Do Landscapers Use Customer Plans?

Certainly. Landscapes can definitely be a DIY project for many.
So when I design for you to DIY, how does it differ from any other design?

Landscape Design for DIY Installation:

Elements. I won’t design an element that I know you should not tackle yourself. This means, for example, that while I can include a fountain or bubbler I won’t include a koi pond.

Materials. I’ll choose materials that generally require less skill. Pavers, for example, are hard labor to install but don’t require advanced skill. Natural stone patios, on the other hand, will either be done by a professional or will be ugly and uneven. And if pavers feel like too much we can consider gravel.

Equipment. We will discuss what kind of equipment you are comfortable using. If you can use a Bobcat, great! I’ll be able to include larger boulders or other elements that require heavy lifting.

Budget. Even with all your sweat equity we need to take budget into account. You might feel confident installing dimensional bluestone, but will it break your budget?

It’s good to consider not just your limitations, but also the limitation of the design. The design will show you where key elements should go, list what materials you need, and tell you what plants to buy. But it won’t tell you how to install the materials, exactly how much you will need, or where to buy the plants. Some of that information may be included in the documents that accompany the design, but there will still be much to figure out yourself!

Why can’t the design include all that information? Designers don’t specify how a landscape gets built, landscape contractors do. And while I can refer you to suppliers and nurseries, I can’t always be sure that they will have the materials you need when you need them.

So is DIY landscape design for you? Do you want to install your garden but just don’t know how to get started? Contact us today for a free landscape design consultation.

landscape design by Ben Bowen

The landscape above is not DIY friendly, but the one below certainly is!

landscape designer ne pdx

Landscaping Industry Booming Despite Pandemic

“The landscaping industry has been largely unaffected by the pandemic and is busier than ever”, according to NALP Chief Jeffrey M. Roberts
Updated: Sep. 11, 2020

If you’re planning a fall landscaping project or you’re looking to hire a crew for continued service, you’d better move fast. The landscaping industry has been largely unaffected by the pandemic and its busier than ever, according to a nationwide survey conducted by the the National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP).

According to the data collected, 60 percent of landscaping companies are seeing revenues exceed pre-COVID expectations and more than 300,000 landscaping jobs lay vacant.

Moreover, 62 percent of lawn care companies report they’ve exceeded revenue projections, followed by 53 percent of landscape maintenance firms and 50 percent of design/build firms.

One of the reasons landscaping companies have easily weathered the COVID-19 storm is the fundamental nature of the landscaping business, says NALP Chief Executive Britt Wood.

“The landscaping business naturally lends itself to this type of crisis,” Wood says. “The way landscapers work means that they just naturally keep their distance from clients and each other. Also, people often use nice spaces to relax and remove stress, and a soothing landscape can help with that.” receives Angies List Super Saver Award for the Sixth Year!

Award reflects company’s consistently high level of customer service
angieslist 2019 super service award shield

 {Dallas, Texas. April 14, 2020  – Landscape Innovations is proud to announce that it has earned the home service industry’s coveted Angie’s List Super Service Award (SSA). This award honors service professionals who have maintained exceptional service ratings and reviews on Angie’s List in 2019.

“Service pros that receive our Angie’s List Super Service Award represent the best  in our network, who are consistently making great customer service their mission,” said Angie’s List Founder Angie Hicks. “These pros have provided exceptional service to our members and absolutely deserve recognition for the exemplary customer service they exhibited in the past year.”

Angie’s List Super Service Award represent the best  in our network, who are consistently making great customer service their mission,” said Angie’s List Founder Angie Hicks. “These pros have provided exceptional service to our members and absolutely deserve recognition for the exemplary customer service they exhibited in the past year.”

Angie’s List Super Service Award 2019 winners have met strict eligibility requirements, which include maintaining an “A” rating in overall grade, recent grade and review period grade. The SSA winners must be in good standing with Angie’s List and undergo additional screening.

“Make Your Dreams Come True with”

LanscapeInnovations has been listed on Angie’s List since 2011. This is the 6th year has won this honor.

For over two decades, Angie’s List has been a trusted name for connecting consumers to top-rated service professionals. Angie’s List provides unique tools and support designed to improve the local service experience for both consumers and service professionals.

Contact Us:, 232 Bethel Rd., Coppell, TX 75019 817-832-4790 / 214-704-7993

How to Make Your Poolscape Irresistible

This wonderful McKinney, Texas family will be enjoying summers with their new landscape/poolscape created by Landscape Innovations for the front and back yard of this lovely home.

We invite you to give us a call to explore the possibility of a beautiful poolscape in your future!

Flower Mound Readies for Spring is proud to display this recent project in Flower Mound:

This landscape project in the DFW area reflects a focus on both landscaping as well as privacy. To that end, Landscape Innovations created this backyard poolscape with three wood paneled privacy screens.

Getting Ready for Spring!

Spring is the time of the year people get busy with their landscaping projects. In north Texas, landscaping reaches fever pitch by May 1st. Here are a few of the many projects currently being completed. We invite you to take a look at our complete photo gallery to provide ideas.

These projects were completed for homeowners in the Coppell and Lancaster areas of the Dallas-Ft.Worth Metroplex

Snake Bite Season: Protect Your Children!

Temperatures are high as we swing into summer. The arrival of Summer means native snakes are no longer in hiding. In the past few months, 11 children have already been treated at Cook Children’s Hospital for snake bites. That’s why many hospitals refer to this period of the year as “snake bite season. “

When it comes to native snakes, not all of their bites are life-threatening, but some of them can be. There are four kinds of venomous snakes native to this area and each are as dangerous or deadly as the other:

Copperheads: This is the most common species of snakes in the north Texas area. There are different kinds of copperheads, and most of them can be found in areas with abundant leaf litter. This allows them to blend in with their uniquely patterned scales. In general, you won’t see a copperhead fleeing your approach. They tend to sit still and rely on their camouflage to go unnoticed, which means it’s often difficult to spot them from afar.

Rattlesnakes: Although rattlesnakes are more common in the western areas of the state, local residents have occasionally spotted them in rocky areas around the southern portion of Dallas. Err on the side of caution and steer clear of the distinctive rattle these snakes employ as a warning device.

Cottonmouths: These dark-colored snakes are also referred to as “water moccasins” and are usually found near swamps, rivers, ponds, or streams or run-offs from lakes. When threatened, you’ll notice they display white tissue inside of their mouths as a warning sign. That’s when you hightail it out of there immediately. They can be very aggressive!

Coral Snakes: We’ve all heard the saying before – “Red on yellow, harm a fellow. Red on black, friend to Jack.” Coral snakes are easy to identify and have been spotted fairly frequently near the Dallas area. Don’t mess with them, no matter how cool their bright colors may be.

What makes many venomous snakes so easy to encounter is their incredible camouflage skills. You might not even realize you’re about to tred on a copperhead until you’re too close for comfort. Children are especially at risk while playing near rocks and grassy areas. One misplaced hand or foot is all it takes for a bite to happen.

However, there are things you can do to prevent snake bites during this hot season. Here are the top three tips recommended by local authorities on the subject.

1. Avoid piles of leaves, debris, or rocks. In fact, you should keep your yard as cleanly kept as possible. This will make it much harder for your kids (or you) to stumble across well-hidden reptiles in the tall grass or cluttered areas.

2. Educate your children. Kids are curious by nature, which means they often stick their hands in places without looking. Teach them to be cautious while playing outside and remind them to never approach a wild snake by themselves, no matter how harmless the creature may appear.

3. Don’t walk around outside barefoot. The more protection your feet and legs have, the lower your chances of being bitten are. Kids are especially at risk of encountering snakes, so make sure they’re wearing appropriate footwear when traversing in snake-populated areas.

If you or someone else is bitten by a snake, seek medical attention immediately! Snake bites can become serious problems within a short amount of time, so the faster you can receive treatment, the safer you will be. Most antivenoms cannot be prepared in under half an hour, so you should also call the hospital and let them know you are on your way well ahead of time.

Landscaping Tools and Uses

In taking care of our homes, you will likely need, from time to time, various landscaping tools that will make the work go faster and easier.

There are a number of landscaping tools, so let’s take the time to develop a greater understanding of the most popular ones you would likely use in various landscaping chores.

It is important that you have a reliable and quality tools that you can use for do-it- yourself landscaping projects so that even if you do not have professional help, you you will be able to make your gardens look like it’s designed by a pro.

Here are some of the landscaping tools that you may want to put in your garden tool box:

Landscaping Edger – this is a special tool that you can use to trim the edges of your garden. Like, if some of your grasses or plants have overgrown and are already covering some parts of your pathways or curbs, you can use the edger to trim them.

Types of Edgers:

• Electric – Electic powered tools were, at one time, inefficient. The electric tools of today, by comparison, are by far the best way to go. You will need to spend a little more in some occasions to get the right tool for the job, but things like tune-ups, persnickety equipment, etc. is a thing of the past! This tool is great to use when trimming grasses and flowerbed

• Gas-Powered – this is a cordless edger and offer great advantage since you don’t have to be careful of wires and plugs. You can use it, thus, even at the farthest corners of your garden.

Wheelbarrow – this is a basic tool that most gardeners are using. You can load lots of things here to and from your garden. If there are small tools that you want to bring to the garden, you can load them in this tool to save time. You can also use this to wheel out garbage and plants or grass trimmings.

Weed Eater – Your mower is a great equipment, but there are areas in your garden where it can’t be used. This is where this landscaping tool comes in handy. You can rely on this tool if you w. ant to get rid of those tall grasses. It is also easy to maintain; but you have to replace it once it’s all been used up and can no longer extend its string

Shovels – if you need to dig holes for landscape posts; this tool is a great one. You have different options when it comes to blade designs. Choices include spade, flat, and post hole.

Rototillers – if you need to turn larger soil areas in your garden, this tool is the right one for you.

Small Trowel – if you need to dig holes for your plants or dig the soil around weeds to cut its roots, this tool will come in handy. You can also use this to loosen up the soil around your plants to avoid hurting the stalks.

Pruning Tools – you will need this to prune your bushes and shrubs to maintain the shape or size that you want. You can also use this in removing dead or dry branches.

These are just some of the many landscaping tools that you will need when landscaping your garden.

To make these tools last longer, be sure to keep them stored in a dry place. Clean them before storing to avoid dirt from piling up and cause rusting.

YOU can forget about all this! Just give the professionals at a call to discuss your needs and to get a prompt response.


Landscape Layering for a Beautiful Landscape

Could your home do with a little more garden landscaping? The answer is likely an affirmative “Yes”. That is a good thing!

In fact you should be very excited about it because there is nothing more fun than garden landscaping, it will get your imagination working overtime and you will have a ball planting and rearranging your plants and flowers.

By layering your garden landscaping beds you will be able to add a whole other level of beauty to your landscaping design. Your yard is the first thing that people will see when they come to your house and giving a grand tour that includes a fabulous garden is always fun and exciting. You will be the talk of the neighborhood, and for all the right reasons this time, when you do some really good garden landscaping.

Layering your garden landscaping design is easy to do. You need to know the flowers that you are going to plant first however. The choices that you make as far as the flowers and other plants will affect just how your garden landscaping is laid out.

landscape layering

For example you do not want to have the taller plants in front of the shorter ones. This is obvious but you should still make a rough sketch of where you want things laud out for your garden landscaping before you begin. This will help you to keep thins as simple as possible. Your garden landscaping will go a lot faster this way and you will run into fewer problems as you go.

When layering you should have about three layers. Your back row should face north, if it can, and the back row should have the tallest plants and as the rows descend so should the heights of the plants and flowers. 

The trick of this kind of garden landscaping is that the plants we often buy are baby plants. So you will need to talk to those working at your local gardening store about how large the plants will grow to be.

This is key to successful garden landscaping. If the front or middle row of your garden landscaping design is going to grow much higher than the last row, then you will have to do some rearranging.

The layering effect of your garden landscaping design will add depth and make your garden much more interesting to look at. This is what will make your garden landscaping a success. You can save time and energy and get the lawn you desire by simply giving the professionals at a call NOW! 

The Joy of a Backyard Escape

Relax, you are at home! Time to enjoy the peace and privacy that only your own home can provide.

Are you taking advantage of the cooler nights by spending time in your back yard? If you aren’t, you are missing on a lot of enjoyment and tranquility only a backyard escape can provide.

Creating the perfect backyard experience begins with some planning. That’s where can really help!

We take a look at the project, discuss it with you in great detail then go to work creating a proposal.

Upon completion of the landscaping proposal and your acceptance, we go to work transforming your back yard into an oasis, ready to welcome you and your friends and relatives.

Some common ways to add to your backyard design is the use of rock and aggregates, such as colored gravels. Then you might add a boulder or two, and maybe a waterfall or water urn with it’s distinctive sound.

There are so many things you can do to truly transform your back yard into a place of serenity and refuge from the hustle and bustle. Give us a call Today!

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